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Harvey Archery
Build Your Bow

Welcome to
Build Your Bow
Build Your Bow


My customers ask me “what is burl wood? Wood is wood!”, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Burl wood and burl slabs have nothing in common with timber, besides being made of wood! We favour burl wood for its beauty, splendour and ability to evoke emotion. Burl is extremely rare. Every piece is unique with its own character unlike anything else. Burl gives off the impression of high class. Think of an extremely wealthy man sipping on the most expensive champagne surrounded by supermodels wearing only the finest brands. That is the feeling burl gives you. Now image that – in a bow!
Once a piece of burl has been cut raw from a tree, it has to go through a drying process of 1 to 2 years. Once it reaches it full dryness, you are then able to stabilize it with resin in a vacuum chamber. After that long process, it is ready to use.
I have been obsessed with making bows since I was 4 years old and have never stopped making them year in and year out. I got my first plastic bow with those arrows with the rubber plunger that sticks to windows on my 4th birthday. One day I decided to pull the rubber plunger off my arrows and I ended up shooting my mom between the eyes, silly I still don’t know why I did that till this day! As a result, the bow was confiscated, and I got a massive hiding. The next day when my parents went to work, I went to my dad’s cupboard and stole his shoelace of his running shoes, I went to the garden and chopped down a stick and make my first bow using my dad’s shoelace as the bow string.
And that’s how it all started. I would say my passion for bow making is an obsession, I strive to be known as one of the best custom bow makers in the world. I put my heart and soul into each bow because when my customers receive their new custom bow and when they see it for the first time in person and they get that wow factor.
All the amazing compliments I get feed my passion in bow making!